
Mongolian Currency

Mongolian Currency

The official currency of Mongolia is called tögrög or tugrik. It was historically subdivided into 100 möngö (мөнгө). Currently, the lowest denomination in regular use is the 10-tögrög note and the highest is the 20,000 tögrög note. In unicode, the currency sign is (TUGRIK SIGN).

See below for the current day’s exchange rate.
Please note there could be a little difference in each bank depending on their last day’s closing rate.

Fun Facts about Mongolian currency Tögrög;

The word tögrög refers to “circle”, or a “circular object” (i.e. a coin). Today, it is rarely used outside of referring to the currency, with the exception of the phrase tögrög sar, meaning “full moon”.

See below for the Mongolian currency images:

10 tugrik


20 tugrik

20 tögrög

50 tugrik


100 tugrik


500 tugrik


1000 tugrik


5000 tugrik


10000 tugrik

20000 tugrik

What our guests say

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  • Living the mongolian way

    Great place to stay and experience mongolian way of living, no tv, wifi, phone. Just nature and great company of the staff and livestocks of mongolia. The toilet is a hole in the ground covered by a shed. It is clean, but can be smelly to those used to city life. Not hot water supply, inform the staff that you like to hot water half an hour earlier so that they can boil it over camel dung 🙂

    5 star rating

  • Living the mongolian way

    Great place to stay and experience mongolian way of living, no tv, wifi, phone. Just nature and great company of the staff and livestocks of mongolia. The toilet is a hole in the ground covered by a shed. It is clean, but can be smelly to those used to city life. Not hot water supply, inform the staff that you like to hot water half an hour earlier so that they can boil it over camel dung 🙂

    5 star rating
